There is something for everyone! Get involved!
Don’t underestimate the importance of having fun participating in school activities. Some of the best times and memories students have are the experiences of belonging to a club or participating in an after-school activity. Clubs and activities are important not only for the enjoyment they bring to most students, but they also allow the students to more easily make friends because the groups are small and they get to be themselves!
Clubs and activities provide students with many positive experiences that help them become well-rounded individuals who are ready for college or the workplace. It helps students to become active in their school and feel a connection to the school and to others. It provides a sense of pride and school spirit and it is a positive influence on our students.
Grill and Chill – During this teacher work week, we host all family to a cookout on the blacktop and school, we grill and hang out and have fun together before the school year starts.
PTA Dance – The PTA dance usually occurs in February. This is such a special time for our communities to celebrate.
Battle of the Books – Fifth graders join Battle of the Books to compete against each other and other schools to show knowledge of the books they read.
Safety Patrols – Fifth graders work hard at helping keep all of those safe in the hall and assisting the kids and students to classrooms.
STEAMmania - K-5 student meet after school to work in teams and then compete at the county level on STEAM activities.
First Lego League - Fifth graders compete in a regional competition for Lego and robotics.
Book Fair – Three times a year the Library sponsors the Book Fair for kids and parents to come together and purchase books to read and share together.
Family Night - Family nights vary on subject matter, technology, math, literacy and more!
Book and Breakfast - Mrs. Flucke sets up a book and breakfast for all grade levels to participate.
Watchdogs - We have an amazing amount of dads and granddads that volunteer each day in our school. They help all teachers and are a huge positive influence on our school culture.
Field Day - In June, we show off all the things we learned in P.E. this year with a fun Field Day.
Inclusion Winter Program - Everyone is a Star! Our winter program includes everyone and highlights the importance of inclusion.
Mandarin Chinese class – K-5 Classes and students attend Chinese class every week as part of the resource plan. They sing, dance and speak to each other in Chinese.
ASL Inclusion Class – Starting in kindergarten, some kids are exposed to ASL as their second language with this immersion class.
Kindergarten Letterland Wax Museum – Once we learn our sounds, we highlight the letters and what they make with our own living wax museum.